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Viale de Galoppatoio(Villa Borghese)
Viale de Galoppatoio(Villa Borghese)
Tel:06 3600 4781
Hours Mon-Sat 8.30-20.00
Sun 9.00-14.00
Access is also available through a series of moving walkways from Metro in Piazza di Spagna.If you zoom in close enough you will see people on them!
Tel:06 3600 4781
Hours Mon-Sat 8.30-20.00
Sun 9.00-14.00
Access is also available through a series of moving walkways from Metro in Piazza di Spagna.If you zoom in close enough you will see people on them!
If you are near Harrys Bar on the Via Veneto,head down into the Metro escalators and follow the signs to the Supermarket
First created 18 Aug 2011. Version 1.0 - 28 Aug 2011. Jerry Tse. London. Galleria Borghese All rights reserved. Rights belong to their respective owners. Available free for non-commercial and personal use. Rome
Villa Borghese Park The Galleria Borghese is situated in a park about 2 km from the centre of the city, Rome.
The gallery is not big but housed in an opulent palaces. It is the most exclusive gallery in Rome. To see the collection, visitors have to make a reservation before hand, in one of the 2-hour slots offered by the gallery. The gallery The main entrance
The building was built for as the personal home of Cardinal Scipione Borghese, between 1613 and 1615. Scipione Borghese was also the nephew of the pope Paul V. He was also a patron of Bernini. The gallery underwent an extensive 14 years restoration in 1983 and reopened in 1997. The Building Cardinal Scipione Borghese Pope Paul V (1605-21) The Emperor Room
The building was built as a showpiece gallery of the cardinal. The gallery is known for its collection of Bernini, Raphael and Caravaggio masterpieces. The Building The Egyptian Room
Ancient Greek Sculpture Artemis. 4C BC. Original Peplofora. Early 5C BC. Possibly Greek Original
Ancient Greek Sculpture The Sleeping Hermaphrodite was a 1C Roman copy of the 150 BC original sculpture by Polycles. The first Hermaphrodite sculpture belonged to the gallery was sold to the Louvre. This current Hermaphrodite was found in 1781 and reworked by Pacetti. The Sleeping Hermaphrodite, original Greek, 150 BC.
Dancing Satyr, original Greek, 4C BC. Hercules, original Greek, 4C BC. Ancient Greek Sculpture
In 1807, many pieces of art works were sold to Napoleon and they are now exhibit as the ‘Borghese collection’ in the Louvre, Paris. Ancient Roman Sculpture Satyr on a Dolphin, original Greek, 1C BC. Iris (Egyptian godess), Roman 2C.
Raffaello – woman with Unicorn Woman with a Unicorn. 1505-06. Sanzio Raffaello. Raphael probably did not finish the painting. Another artist completed the portrait by changing its pose and the size of the sleeves. He also added a small dog and the windowsill. Soon after, the dog was changed into a unicorn. In 17C the woman was changed into St Catherine with addition of her wheel. In the 1935 restoration the 17C changes were removed .
Raffaello – Deposition of Christ The Deposition of Christ. 1507. Sanzio Raffaello. The painting was cleaned in 2005 and revealed the magnificent vivid colours. The painting was painted by Raphael before he moved to Rome. It was originally placed in the church of S Francesco al Prato in Perugia.
Titian – Sacred and Profane Love. Sacred and Profane Love. Titan. 1514. The nude woman was the goddess of Venus (sacred love), with her sacred flame in hand. The clothed woman (profane love) was a young widow Laura Bagarotto, dressed as a bride to be of Niccolo Aureli, who commissioned the painting. Venus with the help of Cupid who was stirring a pool of water in a sarcophagus, to assist Laura Baggrotto for the coming marriage.
Titian - Venus Blindfolding Cupid Venus Blindfolding Cupid. c1565. Titian. This was painted some 50 years after the previous painting, in his 70s, showing his changing style.
Cranach - Venus and Two Cupid Venus and Two Cupids. c1520. Brescianino.
Cranach - Venus and Cupid with a Honeycomb Venus and Cupid with a Honeycomb. c1531. Cranach. An unusual painting in the collection as Cranach was a friend of Martin Luther.
Dosso Dossi – Melissa or Circe The painting refers to a romantic epic poem by Ludovico Ariosto. It told the story of an enchantress, Circe, who imprisoned her lovers within trees (see miniscule figures of men on the tree, top left), rocks and animals. The lady who sat in a magic circle was probably Melissa, who liberated the victims from the spell. The empty armour was a reference to the trapped knight of Astolpho. Melissa or Circe, c1530. by D. Dossi. Note the fantasy and opulent use of colours in the painting and fine landscape in the background.
Correggio - Danae Danae. 1531-32. Correggio. He was responsible for some of the most vigorous and sensuous works of the 16C.
Lotto - Portrait of a Man Portrait of a Man. 1535. Lotto. Born in Venice, his work is always crisp and clear. His works show the influence of the Venetian painters and the influence of German painters, in his landscape.
Caravaggio – Il Bacchino Malato Aeneas’ Flight from Troy. 1598. Barocci. Bernini must had seen this before he worked on the Aeneas and Anchises sculpture.
Caravaggio – Il Bacchino Malato Self-Portrait as the Sick Bacchus. c1593. Caravaggio Caravaggio Caravaggio, Michelangelo Merisi is the most important Baroque painter. His revolutionary technique used dramatic dark background, selective illuminations and strong lighting contrasts. Many painters were influenced by his styles, including Artemisia Gentileschi, Ribera, Honthorst, Georges de La Tour, Rembrandt and Velazquez.
Caravaggio – Boy with Basket of Fruit Boy with a Basket of Fruit. c1594. Caravaggio. Caravaggio’s style is described as ‘chiaroscuro’. The fruits in his paintings were often over-ripe and starting to decay. The leaves were wilting and colours were fading.
Caravaggio – Boy with Basket of Fruit
Caravaggio – Saint Jerome St Jerome. 1605-06. Caravaggio. This was painted at the height of his career. Note the light streams off the bald head of the saint.
Caravaggio – Madonna of the Palafrenieri Madonna of the Palafrenieri. 1605-06. Caravaggio. It is a very unusual painting of the Madonna and child. It was commissioned as an altarpiece in the St Peter Basilica. The painting shows the Virgin, with the help of her son, trampled on a snake, the source of the original sin. This is an allegory of the Catholics church (represented by the Virgin) crashing the opposition, on the dispute between the Catholics and the Protestants on the original sin. St Anne (on the right), the mother of the Virgin was given the rough treatment by Caravaggio.
Caravaggio – David with the Head of Goliath David with the Head of Goliath. 1609-10. Caravaggio. Self-portrait, the head of Caravaggio, who was wanted by the police for murder. Caravaggio is saying “here is my head”.
St John the Baptist. 1609-10. Caravaggio. Caravaggio – David with the Head of Goliath Caravaggio painted St John the Baptist in his youth. The saint grew up in the wilderness, that strengthened his spirit (St Luke). The painting illustrated Caravaggio’s approach to saints and apostles. He saw these people as ordinary men and women rather than sanitised version of people in robes or spiritual colossus.
Domenichino – The Hunt of Diana The Hunt of Diana. 1616. Domenichino. The painting was forcefully bought by the Scipione Borghese from the rebellious artist Domenichino. It depicts a an archery contest, in a festive atmosphere amongst Diana’s nymphs. The exquisite colour was part of the Veneto school ‘s style.
Domenichino – The Hunt of Diana Sybil. c1616. Domenichino. A colourful and a youthful Persian Sybil, with a viola and a music book. In antiquity sybils sang their prophecies, accompanied with music. Domenichino was also an expert in music.
Bernini c1623 Bernini c1630-35 Bernini Bernini It is impossible for any tourist to visit Rome without coming across art works by Gian Lorenzo Bernini. He was a very successful artist in the early 17C. He was the leading sculptor, a painter, play write, a prominent architect and a stage designer. Several of his masterpieces are on display in the gallery. Below are some of his works in Rome.
Bernini – Aeneas and Anchises Aeneas fleeing from the burning city of Troy carrying his elderly father, while his son carries the sacred fire. Aeneas and Anchises. 1618-1620.
Bernini – Aeneas and Anchises Many scholars saw the influence of Bernini’s father on the sculpture. Some even suggested it was his father’s work.
Bernini – Rape of Proserpine Proserpine was carried by Pluto into the underworld. Rape of Proserpine. 1621-22.
Bernini – Rape of Proserpine Marble softened in the hand of Bernini.
Bernini – Rape of Proserpine
Bernini – Apollo and Daphne Life-size marble sculpture (1622-26) by Bernini. Apollo insulted Cupid, who shot him with the gold arrow of love. Knowing Apollo was in love with Daphne, Cupid shot her with the lead arrow of hate. The sculpture showed the moment when Apollo touched her. Sensing Apollo’s touch and the danger she turned herself into a tree to escape from Apollo.
The Apollo and Daphne was one of the four sculptures commissioned by Cardinal Borghese. Bernini – Apollo and Daphne
Bernini – Apollo and Daphne Daphne’s foot is turning into roots.
Bernini – David Bernini’s David is very dynamic and compared well with previous well-known examples of sculpture of David. David. 1623-24. Life-size marble.
Bernini – David Note the biting lips, the hatred and other emotions on His face.
Bernini – David Bernini was very skilful in conveying movements in his David sculpture. Note the tension on his leg.
Madonna and Child. c1650. Sassoferrato. Canova - Pauline
Pauline was Napoleon’s sister, who married one of the Borghese Princes. Pauline Bonaparte as Venus Victrix, 1805-1808. Antonio Canova. Canova - Pauline
By portrait Pauline in nude with an apple in her hand, Canova elevated her to be a goddess. The apple is a reference to the Judgement of Paris, about beauty. Canova - Pauline
Galleria Borghese In 1605, two months after his ascent to the papal throne, Paul V appointed his nephew Scipione Cardinal. Shortly after he gave him the ‘vineyard’ outside Porta Pinciana, where Scipione fulfilled his artistic dream by building a villa. Scipione Borghese was an early patron of Bernini and an enthusiastic collector of works by Caravaggio. As a result, the gallery has a very large collection of Bernini and Caravaggio’s masterpieces. The gallery was re-opened in 1997, after a 14 years restoration.
Music – Roxane’s Veil performed by Vanessa Mae and composed by Vangelis. All rights reserved. Rights belong to their respective owners. Available free for non-commercial and personal use. The End
Het park is gelegen ten noorden van de Spaanse Trappen. Hoofdingangen liggen aan de Piazza del Popolo en de Porta Pinciana aan het einde van de Via Veneto. Het park is een aangenaam rustpunt ver weg van de drukke straten in Rome.
Borghese Park
In de 16e eeuw was het gebied een wijngaard. Kardinaal Scipione Borghese, een neef van paus Paulus V, maakte er in 1605 een park van. Landschapsarchitect Domenico Savino da Montepulciano ontwierp een erg formeel park met geometrische vormen, het eerste dergelijke park in Rome. In het park werd ook een villa gebouwd naar schetsen van de kardinaal zelf.
Later werd het park gewijzigd en nam het een meer natuurlijke vorm aan. Aan het einde van de 18e eeuw werd er in het midden van het park een kunstmatig meer aangelegd. Op het eiland in het meer werd een kleine Ionische tempel gebouwd, gewijd aan Aesculapius, de god van de geneeskunde.
Later werd het park gewijzigd en nam het een meer natuurlijke vorm aan. Aan het einde van de 18e eeuw werd er in het midden van het park een kunstmatig meer aangelegd. Op het eiland in het meer werd een kleine Ionische tempel gebouwd, gewijd aan Aesculapius, de god van de geneeskunde.
Een openbaar park
Aesculapius Temple
In 1903 kwam het park in het bezit van de stad Rome en het park werd openbaar gemaakt. In het 80 hectare grote park vindt men nu brede schaduwrijke lanen, meerdere tempels, fonteinen en standbeelden.
De Wereldtentoonstelling van 1911
In 1911 werd in het park een wereldtentoonstelling gehouden. Enkele van de paviljoenen gebouwd door de verschillende landen die aan de tentoonstelling deelnamen staan er nog steeds. Het meest bekende is dit van de Britse School, gebouwd naar een ontwerp van Edwin Lutyens. Andere gebouwen vertegenwoordigen Oostenrijk, Denemarken, Zweden en Egypte.
Villa Borghese
Villa Borghese wordt ook wel eens het ‘museumpark’ genoemd vanwege de verscheidene musea die hier gevestigd zijn. Het belangrijkste is het Museo e Galleria Borghese, dat gehuisvest is in de Villa Borghese, het gebouw waarnaar het park genoemd is. Het bevat een prachtige verzameling sculptuur waaronder belangrijke werken van Canova en Bernini, waaronder diens meesterwerk ‘Ontvoering van Proserpina door Pluto’. Het museum bevat ook een verzameling schilderijen van belangrijke meesters zoals Titiaan, Rubens en Rafaël.
Het Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna is gelegen op de terreinen van de Wereldtentoonstelling van 1911. Het museum bezit een een verzameling 19e en 20e eeuwse schilderijen, vooral van Italiaanse kunstenaars.

In de buurt van dit museum ligt het Museo Nazionale Etrusco. Hier worden pre-Romaanse voorwerpen getoond die rond Rome werden opgegraven, vooral uit de Etruskische periode. Het museum is gevestigd in de Villa Giulia, een gebouw dat in 1553 opgetrokken werd als zomerresidentie voor paus Julius II.
Het Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna is gelegen op de terreinen van de Wereldtentoonstelling van 1911. Het museum bezit een een verzameling 19e en 20e eeuwse schilderijen, vooral van Italiaanse kunstenaars.
Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderne
Meer bezienswaardigheden
In het park ligt ook een amfitheater (Piazza di Siena), een 18e eeuwse triomfboog (arco di Settimio Severo) en een botanische tuin. Er staan ook beelden van Tritonen die er net zo uitzien als deze aan de Fontana del Moro (Moor fontein) op Piazza Navona. De originelen werden van het plein naar het park gebracht, de Tritonen op Piazza Navona zijn eigenlijk 19e eeuwse replica’s.
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